Saturday, July 22, 2006

Zippys Java Lounge in Everett !

zippys java lounge 2
Originally uploaded by Mr. phelps.
Everett has traditionally been a drive-thru espresso town. Today it primarily is dominated by the overwhelming amount of drive-thru stands. Despite the majority of quick espresso service stations there are sit down coffee shops where an Everettite or visitor can sit and comfortably pass the time away. One such coffee shop is Zippy's Java Lounge purveyors of Hines Public Market Coffee and crusaders of coffee enlightenment. A community center where artists and locals can gather to enjoy a cup of coffee, food, or an ice cream soda. Wonderful. [stop by to see Zippy the dog of inspiration] (click for more pics)

Friday, July 21, 2006

A Taste of Italian Espresso Near Wallingford !

My co-worker Karl and I ventured out on a coffee excursion to N Allen and Stone Way near the base of Wallingford to ``Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria & Espresso'' for some fine Italian Cuisine. Word on the street was that Tutta Bella was one of the few places in town that had a manual espresso machine (a rarity in Seattle) so we had to verify the rumor. We were greeted with very hospitable service and Attibassi Coffee pulled (like our sources told us) from a manual espresso machine in complete suave style. Very impressive! (Click for more pics) (a member of

Monday, July 10, 2006

I am a friend to coffee beans everywhere

bean boys
Originally uploaded by Mr. phelps.
I love coffee beans

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Three Coffee Caballeros!

three coffee caballeros 2
Originally uploaded by Mr. phelps.
As Sarah the barista said "say tea!"

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Koffee for Comrades on Capitol Hill

Peoples Republic of Koffee 1
Originally uploaded by Mr. phelps.
While urban hiking around Capitol Hill I discovered a shop I had never been to before: the Peoples Republic of Koffee. A tiny shop between a grocery store and a tattoo parlor it's a cozy neighborhood place with style. Hopefully if you go Kia is behind the bar to make you a tasty americano. The activist spirit in town has never forgotten the Seattle General Strike of 1919! Viva la revolucion! (click for more pics)